
Creating an app

Creating a new app

In order to start setting up our app to use Branch links, we need to create a Branch app to use with your Xcode project. To do this, head over to the Branch Dashboard and click the app selector in the top left corner:

  1. Select Create new app
  2. Name it something descriptive


With a new Branch app, we need to specify where your future users will be sent. To do this, head over to the Link Settings tab, and:

  1. Select I have an iOS App
  2. Enter an iOS redirect URL (eg http://branch.io)
  3. Add redirects for Android and Desktop (eg http://branch.io)
  4. Click save


Adding the Branch key to Xcode

Finally, before moving forward, we need to add the key of the newly created Branch app to your Xcode project. Head over to the Account Settings page of your dashboard, and copy the Branch Key. Switch back to Xcode and:

  1. Open the info.plist file
  2. Hover over the last entry, and click the + button
  3. Name the new entry branch_key and use the drop-down menu on the right to set the type to dictionary
  4. Use the small carat on the left edge of the row to expand the branch_key entry
  5. Hover over the branch_key entry, and click the + symbol again
  6. Name the new entry live, and set the value to the Branch key you copied earlier.
